After reading Mary's blog today, I was reminded of a post that I had wanted to write after reading the Dec. Ensign earlier this week. I was so touched by Elder Neal A. Maxwell's talk/testimony from right before he passed away. He said everything so eloquently, and it says everything I have ever felt and more. It's the way I wish my testimony of our Savior sounded (which could maybe happen someday if I didn't get so darn emotional every time.) I love that he says his testimony is the verbal equivalent to a child's finger painting, because to me, it compares much more to a beautiful painting that you can't take your eyes off of. If you would all take the time to read this, I think you will be touched. This is my testimony also........
1 month ago
Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King
It's pretty forceful that he ends it with: "Last of all, I witness that He lives—with all that those simple words imply. I know I will be held accountable for this testimony; but, as hearers or readers, you are now accountable for my witness—which I give in the very name of Jesus Christ, amen."
There is a cool page on wikihow that talks about celebrating the true meaning of Christmas too: How to Celebrate a Strictly Religious Christmas It's always helpful this time of year
I am headed to that article right away. I really need to focus on the plan Heavenly Father gave us and I appreciate your suggesting the article. Peace on Earth. <3
Steph that was beautiful! Thank you for enlightening my day today. I needed to be reminded of what I believe in and of how grateful I am for great examples in my life that make me want to be a better person.
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