Aleece's new favorite thing to do is to make phone calls on her own. She likes to call her Granny and Grampy, and usually does this at least once a day. She hasn't quite figured out the answering machine yet and thinks she is being hung up on however! It's amazing to me that she can carry on 20 minute conversations without batting an eyelash! Mind you, there is generally some silliness involved, epecially today. Aleece and Granny were talking on the phone and Granny told her a knock knock joke. I believe it was,
"Knock, knock."
"who's there?"
"Olive who"
"Olive you!" (I love you, for those of you who didn't get it!) :)
Aleece than attempted some of her own which usually had something to do with oranges and banana pants.....who knows! I think she was trying to remember the knock knock joke where you keep saying banana, until you finally say "orange you glad I didn't say banana?" This produced much laughter from all involved and resulted in her laughing hysterically and trying to come up with more jokes. My favorite went like this...
"Knock, knock"
"Who's there"
"I love you, that's who!"
She is too cute! There is not a day that goes by that she doesn't make me smile!
Yesterday we splurged and took the girls to see the movie "Horton Hears a Who". Madelaine even sat through it (she did fall asleep at the end) and loved all of the animals! It was very cute and I loved the message behind it. I loved even more Aleece's comment upon leaving the theater---"You guys are the best mother and father in the whole world!"
My favorite quote in the movie was,
"A person's a person no matter how small."
We like this quote in our house especially! We aren't known for our height, that's for sure! :)
I think this world could be a much better place if we could remember this simple phrase! What a great way to teach children to have respect for everyone around them. I recommend you all go see it!
1 month ago
I definitely needed that belly laugh time. She makes my heart<3 smile every time! I love that she calls me every day and I am so glad it is Grampy's voice on the answering machine so she thinks it is him hanging up on her;) haha
hilarious! my kids have some pretty lame knock-knock jokes that they think are hilarious! i have been wanting to see "horton hears a who" - good to know it will be worth it!
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