Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Full sentences,,,,

It seems as though Madelaine has picked up on a lot more verbally than any of us realized, seeing as she has been talking in complete sentences recently. She is still tiny as ever, but she is also spunky, busy and adorable! Some of my favorite things that she has said recently are,
"Daddy, I want a bite of that." (as he was putting a sandwich up to his mouth!)
"I do! I do! I want some fruit snacks!" (any time she wants fruit snacks!)
"Aleece, put your shoes on right now!" (pretty much any time we get ready to leave the house now!)
"Lennon, what's the problem? Huh baby?" (any time Lennon cries! She says it in the sweetest little voice!)
I love when she responds to my questions (ex: who wants to take a bath?) with "I do! I do!"
She can now count to ten and she knows her ABC's and she LOVES to sing! Lainey wants to be just like Aleece and I can not count how many times in a day that they make me laugh with their antics! It's so fun to watch them learn and grow! Sometimes it is so strange to realize that they are as old as they are! They are growing up much too quickly! I cherish every single moment and stage of life that they are in!


The Bombic said...

I miss hearing those girl's sweet voices! It is always fun to talk to them on the phone though - that is, if they don't hang up on you! :) I laughed so hard I almost cried on your birthday when I asked her if she's sang you happy birthday yet and she said, "Happy Birthday Mom!"

Brent and Mary Rose said...

That is the sweetest thing! I can't wait to hear those sweet sentences in person! That voice is just so darn irresistable! Love you!

Biggie T said...

I love hearing her talk on the phone. Pretty soon she'll be talking as fast as she moves.

M {3 said...

She can call and chat with me anytime, I love it.